A group show of 22 artists that have reimagined their work into square prints, perfect for HK sized apartments. This show is also in support of impact HK, an amazing charity that helps the homeless in HK.
14 – 29 November 2020, every weekend 2-6pm at 5 Lung On Street, Wan Chai.
Online shop: https://www.hongkongartscollective.com/square-prints
在疫情下HKARTS籌辦了這次方形複印藝術品展,共展出60件作品,每件限量25張。所得收益20%捐給Impact HK 去幫助無家者,而我和Lisa就把各自剩餘的收益全部捐給HKARTS,因為他們一直以來都很努力去經營,支持香港本土的藝術家,現在非常時期,希望能給他們一點幫助。