My new square prints are available now!
Signed limited edition of 25, free delivery in HK.

Evening Glow, Click to the SHOP

AWS, Hong Kong Watercolorist – Scroll down for more
My new square prints are available now!
Signed limited edition of 25, free delivery in HK.
Evening Glow, Click to the SHOP
The 155th Annual International Exhibition by American Watercolor Society now open for viewing at the Salmagundi Club in New York, my work A Brand New Day accepted to this show, friends who in New York, don’t miss this great water media exhibition!
Dates of the exhibition : April 11-30, 2022
The Salmagundi Club is located at 47 Fifth Ave, New York, NY, 10003.
It’s time to exhibit some works for you, swing by booth C08 and say hi!
我將參與今年的 Affordable Art Fair,有段日子沒有展出作品了。本月26-29日於香港灣仔會議展覽中心1樓,我們的攤位編號是C08。
Just received the American Watercolor Society’s Mary Bryan Memorial Medal. My first Medal from AWS. 🙂
Nepalese, Arches hot press paper. Photo reference by my Bhaktapur friend Niroj.
Portrait of my son, 11個月大的Ian.
The name “Shek O” literally means the “rocky bay”, so we paint the rocks.
我的單車作品入選了今年美國水彩協會(AWS) 第154界國際展覽,再次感謝評審們。
Very happy that my painting “Good Time” has been accepted to American Watercolor Society(AWS) 154th Annual International Exhibition, Thanks to all the jurors!