Splash 25: The Best of Watercolor

My work “Before Sunset” included in Splash 25: The Best of Watercolor, special issue of Artist Magazine in July 2024.

這馬灣涌作品正刊於最新一期的Splash 25: The best of watercolor 特刊. 這是我很喜歡的一個角落,早於十年前已經在這裡寫生,身邊有最好的夥伴,有山有水,有鳥有魚還有狗狗,渡過不少美好的時光。謝謝編輯部給予我一個全版的空間,以圖載文展示這個漁村角落,好!

Before Sunset by Jianzhong WU – Splash 25: The Best of Watercolor
Splash 25: The Best of Watercolor

Book: 101 Sketching Tips

Thank you Stephanie Bower for including me to this wonderful book!

我有一張鉛筆小頭像收錄在美國速寫名家/作家 Stephanie Bower的新書裡,這是一本非常好的工具書,可說是集百家之大成,特別有利於速寫。

101 Sketching Tips by Stephanie Bower
by Stephanie Bower